Monday, April 21, 2014

The Internet - Final Exam Questions

1.   What problems does the Internet solve?  What problems does it create?
2.   What is your opinion of social networking sites?
3.   Would you consider dating someone you have met over the Internet? Why (not)?
4.   Is cutting and pasting from the Internet to do a school assignment wrong?  Why (not)?
5.   What are the telltale signs of internet addiction?
6.   Is the Web safer or more dangerous than the real world?
7.   Where is the line between children’s privacy and parents’ responsibility when it comes to safeguarding children from internet threats?
8.   What are possible dangers of children using the internet?

1.     What problems does the Internet solve?  What problems does it create?
2.     What is your opinion of social networking sites?
3.     Would you consider dating someone you have met over the Internet? Why (not)?
4.     Why is plagiarism a serious offense in work and school situations?
5.     What are the telltale signs of internet addiction?
6.     Is the Web safer or more dangerous than the real world?
7.     What are possible dangers of children using the internet?
8.     Where is the line between children’s privacy and parents’ responsibility when it comes to safeguarding children from internet threats?