Saturday, November 23, 2013

Health - Exam Questions

2BA/2's Questions:

1. What are the destructive effects of excessive sugar intake and why do people continue to eat and drink sugary products?
2. What are some tips you'd give to a friend for staying healthy?
3. How can having a pet influence one's health?
4. Do you think there are any sports that are particularly beneficial for your health?
5. What do you think is more important: physical or mental health?
6. What should you keep in mind regarding your diet?
7. Does the media do an effective job of promoting a healthy lifestyle?
8. Do you think there is enough education about health in schools?
9. What different factors determine our lifespan?

2BA/3's Questions:

1. Discuss some bizarre dieting fad ideas.
2. What motivates people to exercise?
3. What is the modern beauty canon and how do you think it will change in the future?
4. What are the effects of different products on workouts?
5. Why do people aspire to being perfect today?
6. What influence do child beauty pageants have on children?
7. What are some of your tips for staying fit?
8. Why are there so many additives in food today and what are their effects?
9. Why is sugar called the white death by some people?
10. What could be some of the causes of shortening lifespans of some Americans?

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